March 14, 2025

Joint Transmission Interconnection Queue (JTIQ)

SPP Board Approves Need Dates for Last ITP Projects
SPP’s Board of Directors has approved the winter-weather staging of a pair of transmission projects that have been held up since October by stakeholder concerns.
SPP, MISO Await FERC’s Approval of JTIQ Project
SPP and MISO are coordinating responses to their FERC filings to facilitate their Joint Transmission Interconnection Queue process and cost-allocation methodology.  
MISO, SPP Try Again to Find Joint Seam Projects
After five fruitless attempts to agree on joint transmission projects across their seams, MISO and SPP will use what they call a “blended joint model” in parallel with existing SPP and MISO regional models.
Demand Growth and Extreme Weather: The Grid’s New Normal
CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer, ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas and MISO's Todd Hillman joined a USEA webinar to discuss grid reliability amid increases in extreme weather and load growth.

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