July 3, 2024

joint operating agreement (JOA)

© RTO Insider
MISO Monitor Blames PJM for Market-to-Market Errors
Monitor David Patton said PJM has for years been committing two market-to-market operations errors that have possibly cost MISO millions of dollars.
FERC OKs Rule Changes on MISO-Manitoba Hydro Trades
FERC issued orders revising how MISO deals with its neighbors when incorporating power flows between the RTO and Manitoba Hydro.
A summary of news out of SPP's Seams Steering Committee and the MISO-SPP Interregional Planning Stakeholder Advisory Committee.
NYISO, PJM Discuss PARs’ Benefits, Cost Allocation
PJM and NYISO stakeholders met in New York for a nearly daylong meeting to discuss cost allocation and ways to evaluate the value of PARs.
MISO Outlines Retirement Coordination with PJM
MISO and PJM will have 65 days to evaluate the impact of generator retirements under joint operating agreement language drafted to comply with FERC.
MISO Planning Subcommittee Briefs
MISO told their Planning Subcommittee that it's working to coordinate its generator retirement studies with PJM without changing the RTOs’ Tariffs.
MISO, PJM Unveil JOA Process for ‘Targeted’ Market Efficiency Projects
MISO and PJM are seeking to hammer out new joint operating agreement (JOA) language that would allow accelerated approval of short-term projects.
SPP, MISO Declare Year 1 of M2M a Success
SPP and MISO staff told stakeholders a memorandum of understanding between the two RTOs will solve most remaining problems with their M2M process.
MISO/PJM Joint and Common Market Meeting Briefs
MISO and PJM discussed their upcoming pseudo-tie transfers and the first exchanges of firm flow entitlements between the RTOs.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs
A summary of issues discussed by the SPP Seams Steering Committee on Feb. 3, 2016, including a JOA with SaskPower and joint stakeholder meetings with MISO.

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