January 10, 2025

Joe Bowring

Retiring PJM CEO Boston Lauded for Efficiency Improvements, Management Style
PJM CEO Terry Boston has announced he will retire by the end of the year. He leaves behind a legacy of building stakeholder consensus and steady leadership.
Gates, Powhatan Say FERC Enforcers Didn’t Share Crucial Info
Attorneys for Powhatan Energy Fund and Kevin Gates accused FERC's Office of Enforcement of withholding information that could exonerate their clients in a high-profile market manipulation case.
© RTO Insider
Patton Asks FERC to Set Deadline on PJM-MISO Interface Pricing Dispute
MISO’s Market Monitor urged FERC last week to resolve a standoff between MISO and PJM over interface pricing that he said is costing consumers millions.
Stakeholder Process Under Attack at FERC Hearing on PJM Financial Trades
The RTO stakeholder process came under fire last week at a FERC technical conference on the treatment of financial transactions in PJM.
PJM’s Offer Cap Proposal Sparks Opposition
PJM’s request to raise the cost-based energy offer cap to $1,800/MWh through March drew a flurry of comments and protests in the days before Christmas.
Exelon-Pepco Merger Faces Headwinds in Maryland
Md. PSC staff said Exelon should increase its proposed credit to customers as a condition of approval of the company's merger with Pepco, while the OPC said the commission should reject the deal.
PJM Market Monitor: Bar Generators from Cost Development Rulemaking
PJM IMM Joe Bowring said the RTO should exclude generators from participating in drafting cost development guidelines that determine their compensation.
PJM, IMM Post Capacity Performance Cost-Benefit Analysis as Members Form Battle Lines
A cost-benefit analysis released by PJM and the IMM says the RTO's proposed Capacity Performance product would cost ratepayers as much as $6 billion over the next four years.
Revised Capacity Performance Plan Wins Bowring’s Support
PJM’s Oct. 7 revisions to its Capacity Performance proposal appear to have won over Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring.
Life without Demand Response: Higher Prices but No Reliability Crisis, Says Monitor
PJM capacity prices would increase sharply but reliability would not be threatened if a recent federal court ruling eliminated demand response from wholesale markets, the Market Monitor said.

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