ITC Holdings Corp.
MISO is recommending two of three Michigan projects requested for expedited review be approved before its 2017 Transmission Expansion Plan.
FERC ordered a pay cut for MISO transmission owners, reducing their ROE to 10.32% from 12.38%.
FERC ruled against a proposal by MISO and ITC Holdings that would have allocated the costs of phase angle regulating transformers to PJM and NYISO.
Interstate Power joined MidAmerican Energy in protesting the GIA that MISO filed for the Marshalltown Generating Station in Iowa.
FERC rejected ITC's request that it bar transmission rate reductions in Order 1000 competitive solicitations, instead scheduling a technical conference.
Reversing a prior decision, FERC ruled that PJM transmission owners should pay all of the cost of projects that solely address a TO’s local planning criteria.
ITC Holdings, the largest independent transmission operator in the U.S., agreed to be acquired by Canadian utility operator Fortis in a deal valued at $11.3 billion, the companies announced.
Member frustrations with SPP's Z2 crediting project bubbled to the surface again when staff told them of a new delay.
Iowa officials told FERC that ITC Midwest is overcharging its customers for network upgrades because it isn’t applying for tax breaks to which it is entitled.
MISO's latest Order 1000 compliance filing revises the developer selection process and outlines a pro forma selected developer agreement.
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