ISO New England (ISO-NE)
Relocating two offshore wind points of interconnection from Maine to Massachusetts could reduce New England’s transmission upgrade cost requirements, ISO-NE said.
ISO-NE is decreasing its peak load projections slightly for the next 10 years due to slower-than-expected EV adoption, managed charging programs and changes to its modeling of partial building electrification.
New grid-scale battery storage in Maine would be cheaper than new fossil peaker plants when accounting for societal costs of air pollution and carbon emissions, according to a new report.
FERC approved a proposal by ISO-NE to reduce its Forward Reserve Market offer cap and delay the publication of offer data from four months to a year after each auction.
FERC accepted an Order 2222 compliance filing by ISO-NE while requiring the RTO to make an additional filing to detail deadlines for distributed energy resource aggregators to submit metering data.
ISO-NE continued work on resource capacity accreditation changes, outlining how changes to the overall resource mix could affect the reliability value of different resource types.
Grid operators reported zero issues managing the bulk electric system as Monday’s total eclipse briefly shaded solar panels across ISO-NE, NYISO, MISO, SPP and ERCOT.
Climate activists from New England are calling on FERC to reject the results of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction 18, arguing the auction disproportionately favored fossil fuel resources.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee voted to support an additional two-year delay of FCA 19 to buy time for the RTO to develop and implement resource capacity accreditation changes and shift the overall timeline of capacity auctions.
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee voted to approve a proposal by ISO-NE and the New England States Committee on Electricity to create a new process to facilitate transmission investments that address state-identified, long-term needs associated with the clean energy transition.
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