October 6, 2024

ISO New England (ISO-NE)

FERC Rejects New England Tx Owners on ROE
FERC rejected a bid by New England transmission owners to increase their return on equity to levels before a 2014 commission order.
© RTO Insider
Tx Developers Pitch Mass. Clean Energy Bids
Representatives of companies that submitted clean energy tx projects made pitches at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
Consumer Advocates Slam Perry NOPR, RTOs, FERC
Consumer advocates urged Congress to pressure FERC to improve the RTO stakeholder process and reject Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s directive to rescue at-risk coal and nuclear generation.
Vermont a Leader in Renewables, PUC Chair Says
Vermont officials, lawyers and advocates gathered in Burlington to discuss the state's renewable energy industry.
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Sept. 28, 2017
ISO-NE’s Planning Advisory Committee hashed over technical details from stakeholder comments regarding the grid operator’s draft 2016 Scenario Analysis.
FERC Approves Cost Recovery for Exelon’s Mystic Plant
FERC approved Exelon Corp.'s request for recovery of more than $1.5 million in fuel costs for its natural gas-fired Mystic Generation Station.
ISO-NE Forecast Sees Flat Loads, More Solar, No Congestion
ISO-NE expects growing energy efficiency and behind-the-meter solar generation to more than cancel out load growth over the next 10 years.
Ex-EPA Chief Angry but Optimistic Over Climate Change
Former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy is angry about the Trump administration’s efforts to dismantle the Clean Power Plan but remains optimistic.
ISO-NE Visits Vermont to Discuss Tx Planning
ISO-NE officials came to Vermont to discuss how FERC Order 1000 has affected transmission planning in the region.
Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs; Sept. 6, 2017
Stakeholders will have 15 days to comment on ISO-NE’s reorganized transmission planning guide, which will reduce the existing guide to four sections.

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