October 5, 2024

ISO New England (ISO-NE)

Tetra Tech
FERC Walks Back Salem Harbor Manipulation Case
FERC’s Office of Enforcement urged the commission to withdraw its show cause order alleging that the operators of the Salem Harbor plant misled ISO-NE.
© RTO Insider
Massachusetts Deploys Utility-Scale Energy Storage
National Grid has begun operating a vanadium redox-flow battery (VRB) with its solar PV array in Massachusetts to demonstrate utility operation of storage.
NEPOOL Alone in Support for Press, Public Ban
The New England Power Pool’s proposal to codify its ban on press was attacked by consumer advocates, environmental groups and press advocates.
Wood, Brownell: Unaware of Press Ban When OK’d NEPOOL
The FERC commissioners who approved NEPOOL as ISO-NE’s stakeholder body in 2004 were unaware at the time that it barred the press from its meetings.
ISO-NE Prices Top $2,400/MWh in Labor Day Heat Wave
Hot and humid weather and several unplanned generator outages sent ISO-NE power prices soaring Monday and led the RTO to purchase emergency energy.
RTO Insider Seeks Repeal of NEPOOL Press Ban
RTO Insider filed a complaint asking FERC to overturn the New England Power Pool’s ban on press coverage of its meetings.
Metropolitan Engineering
Intervenors Slam New England EDCs’ Gas Play at FERC
Critics responded to Eversource and National Grid's request that FERC clarify its order denying an ISO-NE waiver request to keep Exelon’s Mystic running.
NEPOOL Debates Fuel Security, Cost Allocation
The New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Markets Committee debated ISO-NE’s proposals for conducting fuel security reliability reviews.
NEPOOL Files Press Ban with FERC
The New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) filed a proposal with FERC Monday to codify its unwritten ban on press attendance at stakeholder meetings.
Tetra Tech
Salem Harbor Operator Seeks Dismissal of ‘False Offer’ Case
Footprint Power asked FERC to dismiss allegations that it misled ISO-NE with supply offers for Salem Harbor it could not meet because of insufficient fuel.

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