ISO New England (ISO-NE)
Former FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur has been elected chair of the ISO-NE Board of Directors.
ISO-NE announced the election of its four-person 2021 Board of Directors slate that will expand the board to 11 members for one year.
FERC approved PPL’s purchase of Narragansett Electric in Rhode Island from National Grid for $3.8 billion, giving the Pa.-based company a foothold in ISO-NE.
ISO-NE is proposing a pilot study to analyze the potential curtailments experienced by new generation from the addition of offshore wind on Cape Cod.
ISO-NE will propose tariff changes as a result of “lessons learned” from its first competitive transmission solicitation under Order 1000 last year.
ISO-NE plans to discontinue feedback on three stakeholder proposals as part of discussions on eliminating the minimum offer price rule, the RTO told NEPOOL.
Cheryl LaFleur and FERC Commissioner Allison Clements spoke at the annual joint event between CPES and New England Women in Energy and the Environment.
Stakeholders told the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group that the RTO and NEPOOL still need greater transparency and changes to governance.
FERC ordered Avangrid and NextEra to submit additional briefs in their ongoing dispute over the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission project.
Crispins C. Crispian, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
NEPOOL stakeholders and ISO-NE continue to work on eliminating the MOPR from the capacity market, discussing multiple proposals on transitional mechanisms.
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