ISO New England (ISO-NE)
Limited fuel supplies put the New England grid at heightened risk of emergency actions — including controlled outages — this winter, ISO-NE said.
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements told the ISO-NE CLG that the U.S. is facing a changing resource mix that requires intelligent transmission planning.
ISO-NE stakeholders approved tariff changes that incorporate a new transmission planning process focused beyond the RTO’s current 10-year planning horizon.
Canada has a price on carbon pollution, but it’s not a perfect system, said a speaker at the annual Association of Power Producers of Ontario conference.
ISO-NE presented to the PAC its scope of work and modeling assumptions for its 2050 Transmission Study.
A panel of conservative electricity market experts argued that markets work better than public policy at encouraging and developing clean energy resources.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FERC voted 3-1 to reduce the base return on equity for Exelon’s Mystic Generating Station as part of its reliability-must-run agreement with ISO-NE.
FERC approved an inquiry into how reactive power capability should be compensated in the face of changing conditions on the nation’s electricity grid.
NERC's GridEx VI security exercise tested utilities with an array of cybersecurity threats drawn from recent experiences.
Vermont DPS Commissioner June Tierney says ISO-NE must “achieve reliability, fueled by renewability with a keen eye on affordability.”
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