ISO New England (ISO-NE)
ERCOT CEO Brad Jones said regaining Texans' trust in the grid will take more than meeting demand during one winter storm.
ISO-NE’s 16th Forward Capacity Auction will likely have similar outcomes to last year’s, observers say, even as debate swirls around the market’s future.
FERC denied NTE's request for a stay of its order approving ISO-NE's termination of the capacity supply obligation for the company's Killingly plant.
Utilities cannot recover prior costs of complying with NERC's critical infrastructure protection standards in ISO-NE, the D.C. Circuit Court said.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE has proposed maintaining its MOPR for the next two capacity auctions and eliminating it for FCA 19, with RTR exemptions of 700 MW over that period.
Federal regulators again pushed for ISO-NE to get rid of its Minimum Offer Price Rule.
FERC’s Republican minority is arguing that the commission’s recent decision on the Weymouth Compressor Station is leading to uncertainty for gas developers.
An increase in natural gas generation in New England in 2021 fueled a 2.6% rise in emissions from the power system, according to ISO-NE.
An ISO-NE study warned that DERs with older inverters that don't allow them to ride through faults could trip during high solar output and low demand.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved changes to the rules around retirement bids and discussed upping financial penalties for missed project milestones.
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