ISO New England (ISO-NE)
FERC agreed to allow ISO-NE to adjust the schedule for next year’s Forward Capacity Auction 17, which was delayed because of the Killingly Energy Center.
Organized power markets may be more successful at decarbonizing the energy supply, but they face challenges in meeting ambitious policy goals, experts say.
Competitive power generators renewed their calls for a national price on carbon emissions while complaining of a lack of market support for gas generators.
New England’s Forward Capacity Auction last month offered no big surprises, but it did hint at coming shifts in the dynamics of the region’s energy supply.
ISO-NE updated NEPOOL on its proposal to change the interconnection jurisdiction for DERs and compliance with FERC Order 881.
The D.C. Circuit Court sided with FERC over its finding that ISO-NE complied with Order 1000’s provisions on competitive bidding for transmission projects.
In comments on a FERC technical conference, NERC said it welcomes market-based enhancements to the reliability of the power grid.
Two renewable energy industry groups are asking federal regulators to address what they say are unfair preferences given to gas-powered generators in ISO-NE.
The preliminary results of ISO-NE’s 2050 Transmission Study suggests that New England will need to build new transmission and shift existing resources.
Jordan Shoesmith of Copenhagen Offshore Partners said that available public funding can deliver a supply chain “to last for generations.”
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