March 7, 2025

ISO New England (ISO-NE)

Storm Cuts Power to 750,000-plus in New England
Hundreds of thousands of electric utility customers lost electric power Dec. 18 as wind and rain hit the Northeast.
Bright Power, Inc.
NYCA Surpasses 5,000 MW of Installed BTM Solar
NYISO announced that New York's behind-the-meter solar capacity has exceeded 5,000 MW, a significant step towards the state's 2030 goal of 10,000 MW in distributed solar energy.
Analysis Group
Analysis Group Recommends Prompt, Seasonal Capacity Market for ISO-NE
ISO-NE should move to a prompt and seasonal capacity market to better accommodate the evolving mix of resources and reliability risks in the region, Analysis Group told stakeholders at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting.
Constellation Energy
Phillips Details Reliability Concerns at NEPOOL Meeting
Hoping for a mild winter is not a sustainable plan for reliability, FERC Chairman Willie Phillips said at a NEPOOL Participants Committee meeting.
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Clements Outlines Further Steps to Ease Interconnection Woes
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said addressing transmission planning issues will be a key component of cutting down interconnection backlogs.
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Overheard at the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group Meeting
A year after activists took over the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group Coordinating Committee, it focused on emissions and frontline communities.
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Affordability Must not Lose out in Energy Transition, NE Regulators Say

New England policymakers and stakeholders must not overlook the need for electric affordability in the energy transition, officials from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut told attendees of the New England Power Generators Association’s fifth annual New England Energy Summit.

ISO-NE Says Region Has Enough Resources for Upcoming Winter
ISO-NE forecasts peak demand of 20,269 MW under average weather conditions, and a 21,032-MW peak under below-average temperatures.
FERC Upholds Ruling on ISO-NE’s IEP Payments
FERC upheld its ruling on a series of updates to ISO-NE’s Inventoried Energy Program which could result in larger payments for generators to keep stored fuel on-site as a grid reliability backstop.
Z22, CC-BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Connecticut Issues Storage RFI Aimed at Vehicle Electrification
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection issued a request for information regarding energy storage for diesel vehicles.

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