ISO-NE Economic Study
ISO-NE presented additional modeling scenarios for its 2024 Economic Study related to offshore wind and fossil retirements.
ISO-NE revised its compliance proposal for FERC Order 904 to allow generators to be compensated for reactive power outside the standard power factor range.
ISO-NE has outlined the transmission and economic models it plans to use to evaluate proposals submitted for the longer-term transmission planning process.
ISO-NE presented to the Planning Advisory Committee feedback on lessons learned from its competitive Boston-area transmission solicitation.
ISO-NE proposed a pilot study for its clean energy transition to test grid performance assumptions under high renewable penetration scenarios
NEPOOL and NESCOE are hiring Peter Flynn, a former National Grid executive, to serve as administrator of the Transition to the Future Grid project.
ISO-NE presented the Planning Advisory Committee with revised study scenarios and threshold prices for the 2020 Economic Study requested by National Grid.
New England needs to build much more onshore transmission to facilitate the incoming surge of offshore wind generation, panelists on a NECA webinar said.
ISO-NE presented the preliminary results of economic studies conducted for NESCOE and Anbaric.
ISO-NE presented five resource scenarios it will evaluate in its 2016 Economic Study at the Planning Advisory Committee last week.
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