interregional transmission planning
The Rocky Mountain chapter of the Energy Bar Association hosted a panel to discuss the intricacies of creating an organized market in the West.
MISO and SPP announced completion of their Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue study, though it’s doubtful whether two project proposals will proceed.
MISO and PJM are assessing the need for an interregional study and transmission plan this year.
MISO and SPP said that they will create a Targeted Market Efficiency Project study process to look for even more interregional project opportunities.
MISO is about to propose its 1st cycle of projects under its long-range transmission plan, signaling that a massive multi-state transmission line shows promise.
Barbara Tyran, director of ACORE’s Macro Grid Initiative, discusses the issues grid operators and regulators face in ensuring cost-effective, reliable service.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Representatives of FERC, MISO, the Kansas Corporation Commission and Pattern Energy discussed interregional transmission planning at the CLEANPOWER conference.
MISO and SPP said they will likely establish a smaller interregional project type, which could produce the two's first cross-border transmission project.
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee approved a task force’s recommended framework to manage DC tie revenue-requirement recovery in the proposed RTO West.
Reliability and clean energy related public policies are increasing the need for and benefits of large-scale transmission to avoid increased electricity costs.
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