July 3, 2024

interface pricing

Western Power Trading Forum/Public Generating Pool
Western Market Seams Issues to Differ from East, Study Finds

The study finds dividing CAISO’s EDAM from SPP’s Markets+ would create seams that pose a different set of problems than challenges seen at the boundaries of full RTOs in other parts of the U.S.

PJM MIC Briefs: Jan. 10, 2024
The Market Implementation Committee discussed PJM's analysis of how proposed Critical Issue Fast Path filings before FERC might have impacted the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction results.
SPP Seams Steering Committee: Sept. 17, 2020
SPP and MISO staff shared with the SPP Seams Steering Committee additional details on the yearlong transmission study the RTOs will soon pursue.
MISO, SPP Respond to Monitors’ Seams Studies
MISO’s and SPP’s state regulators gave the RTOs’ staffs an opportunity to respond to their monitors’ suggestions for improving interregional coordination.
MISO, SPP Regulators Ponder Monitors’ Recommendations
MISO’s and SPP’s market monitors presented their last report to state regulators working to improve the RTOs’ interregional coordination.
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PJM, MISO Go Quiet on Pseudo-Ties; Reach Interface Pricing Accord
MISO and PJM have agreed not to publicly talk about the issue of pseudo-tie congestion double-counting until a FERC complaint on the issue is resolved.
MISO/PJM Joint and Common Market Meeting Briefs
MISO and PJM discussed their upcoming pseudo-tie transfers and the first exchanges of firm flow entitlements between the RTOs.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
The MISO Market Subcommittee on Feb. 2, 2016, discussed Tariff revisions to extend the day-ahead market, interface pricing and EEE flags.
MISO Monitor Debates Capacity Rules with Board
MISO Market Monitor David Patton called for tighter rules on wayward generators, more precise real-time pricing and a fix for Financial Transmission Rights funding shortfalls.
Impatient FERC Hints at Action on PJM-MISO Seams Disputes
FERC increased its pressure on PJM and MISO to resolve their longstanding boundary disputes, saying it was considering taking action “to improve the efficiency of operations” at the RTOs’ seam.

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