July 3, 2024

installed capacity requirement (ICR)

NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: Oct. 23, 2019
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee reversed its September rejection of ISO-NE’s proposed installed capacity requirement calculations for FCA 14.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: Oct. 4, 2019
The New England Power Pool Participants Committee voted narrowly not to approve ISO-NE’s recommended installed capacity requirement values for FCA 14.
Supply Side not Buying ISO-NE’s ICR Numbers
NEPOOL’s Reliability Committee did not endorse ISO-NE’s installed capacity requirement values, as the Generation and Supplier sectors voted in opposition.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: Sept. 10, 2019
ISO-NE provided the NEPOOL Reliability Committee with more details on the forecasting changes that impacted the ICR in the CELT summer demand forecast.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: May 21, 2019
ISO-NE projects net installed capacity requirements will increase and procedures could be needed to overcome a shortage of “operable” capacity.
ISO-NE Installed Capacity Requirement Filing Approved
FERC approved ISO-NE’s proposed values for the Installed Capacity Requirement, capability credits and related values in time for the capacity auction.
NEPOOL OKs Penalty for Delayed Capacity Resources
NEPOOL approved new penalties for ISO-NE participants that fail to cover their capacity supply obligations when a new resource is delayed.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: June 13, 2018
ISO-NE forecasts a net installed capacity requirement value of 34,000 MW for capacity commitment period 2023/24, officials told the PAC.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs
ISO-NE's 2017 Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission Report shows a reduced load forecast from 2016 but predicts increased load for the Southeast area.
ISO-NE Capacity Requirement Shows Flat Demand, More Solar
The installed capacity requirement ISO-NE filed with FERC shows a continuing trend of declining load growth and a greater reliance on behind-the-meter solar.

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