Independent Market Monitor (IMM)
PJM received 94 submissions from generation owners seeking to have new projects or uprates to existing units included in the RTO’s expedited Reliability Resource Initiative interconnection study process.
FERC received several protests to Constellation's proposed purchase of Calpine, with PJM's Monitor arguing the companies need to make additional commitments to preserve competition in the RTO.
PJM’s Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed two proposals to revise the RTO’s ELCC formula to add two new generation categories and limit the penalties resources face if their accreditation declines between auctions.
PJM’s markets provided reliable service in 2024, but tightening supply and demand are laying bare design flaws that have inhibited the competitiveness of the RTO’s markets, the Independent Market Monitor wrote in its 2024 State of the Market Report.
MISO confirmed it’s taking steps to get answers from FERC about the role the Independent Market Monitor should have — if any — in transmission planning.
MISO emerged from winter 2024/25 without turning to emergency procedures despite wide-ranging winter storms Jan. 6-9 and again Jan. 20-22.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed by acclamation an RTO-sponsored issue charge to consider changes to how resources committed in advance of the day-ahead market are offer capped.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed a proposal to revise the base formula rate for compensating black start resources.
Board members have directed MISO to seek guidance on the role of the Independent Market Monitor in transmission planning following a year of IMM David Patton criticizing MISO’s nearly $22-billion long-range transmission portfolio.
The Members Committee was sharply divided on an agreement in principle between PJM and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to institute a cap and floor on capacity prices for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction and the following auction.
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