Idaho Power
The stars may not yet have aligned for CAISO in the contest to bring an organized electricity market to the West, but key industry players appeared to be doing just that at an ISO event to celebrate the progress of its Extended Day-Ahead Market.
Idaho Power asked FERC to overturn a $700,000 fine for what it called a minor metering mistake that had no real impact on the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
Gunfire caused more than $200,000 damage at two Idaho Power dams, the Justice Department said.
FERC issued orders directing transmission providers to clarify their timelines for calculating and submitting ambient-adjusted line ratings under Order 881.
FERC has approved two Western utilities’ revisions to their transmission formula rate protocols in their response to a show cause proceeding begun last year.
NERC and the regional entities expressed support last week for FERC's proposal for internal network monitoring at utilities, but said it is a complex task.
Oregon IOUs are asking state regulators to alter key provisions in a newly proposed set of rules designed to bolster utility wildfire mitigation plans.
The Oregon PUC voted to move ahead with a proposal to amend utility wildfire mitigation plans despite concerns about joint inspections of utilities' poles.
A meeting to hash out an upcoming Oregon study on RTO membership turned to how the state’s participation might fit into other developments in the West.
Western states must work together to build transmission avoid blackouts, Idaho Power CEO Lisa Grow and CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer agreed.
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