July 22, 2024

heat pumps

California Takes Steps to Decarbonize Gas
The state Energy Commission adopted a key report and opened a proceeding aimed at decarbonizing the natural gas sector, including with heat pumps and hydrogen.
NJ Enviros: Heat Pumps Can Cut Building Emissions, Costs
New Jersey could dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions from buildings – the state’s second largest source of emissions – by replacing fossil-fueled boilers with heat pumps and other electric appliances and beefing up incentives for the equipment, according to a recent report from the New Jersey Conservation Foundation. Heat pumps can replace furnaces or boilers, …
California Sets 6 Million Heat Pump Goal
The California Energy Commission adopted a goal of installing six million electric heat-pump HVAC units and water heaters in homes by 2030.
Advocates Seek Pathway for Biofuels in New Connecticut Energy Strategy
Connecticut officials are accepting comments on the scope of the state’s Comprehensive Energy Strategy update through March 3.
NASEO Panel Charts Role of Fossil Fuels in Energy Transition
Levelized cost of energy called a "flawed metric" and a 100% renewable grid could raise costs and affect reliability, experts say.
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‘Quintessential’ NYC High-rise to Recycle Heat for Decarbonization Pilot
The owners of several buildings in New York City talked about how they are installing decarbonization retrofits as part of the Empire Building Challenge.
California governor's office
California Governor Proposes Spending $10B on EVs
Gov. Gavin Newsom's FY 21-22 budget plan proposes spending $6.1 billion more on zero-emission vehicles and $1 billion on building electrification.
NY Officials Approve Draft Climate Action Plan
New York officials on Monday approved a draft scoping plan that lays out the steps needed to achieve the emission limits set by the CLCPA.
CARB Explores Benefits, Hurdles to Decarbonizing Homes
A CARB workshop brought together experts to discuss what it will take to decarbonize California's residences.
NY Climate Action Council Focuses on Consumer Impacts
New York officials tweaked the state’s draft scoping plan on climate action to include cost/benefit and consumer impacts analyses as soon as possible.

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