July 4, 2024

grid resilience

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Gas Industry Plays Defense at NARUC Meeting
The natural gas industry found itself on the defensive at the NARUC Summer Policy Summit as panelists debated pipelines’ resilience and cybersecurity.
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MACRUC Poses Choice: Markets or Preferred Resources?
Panels at the MACRUC annual summer education session focused on nuclear subsidies and the impact of state policy initiatives on power markets.
Stakeholders Debate PJM Fuel Security Scope
Most seem unhappy with the scope and assumptions of PJM's fuel security study, which RTO officials outlined during a special MRC conference call.
NERC: Grid Resilience, Reliability Improved in 2017
The bulk power system showed improved ability to rebound from severe storms last year while continuing to improve on most other reliability metrics, NERC said.
FirstEnergy Calls out FERC ‘Failure’ to Act on Resilience
FirstEnergy Solutions says ISO-NE’s request to prop up Exelon’s Mystic plant shows why FERC should take emergency action to bail out coal and nuclear.
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FERC: No Emergency on Grid
FERC commissioners told Congress that the grid is not facing a national security emergency, as the Trump administration has claimed.
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Dems Hit Coal, Nuke Bailout at House Hearing
A senior DOE official told Congress the department has no estimates on the cost of the coal and nuclear power bailout President Trump ordered.
Trump Orders Coal, Nuke Bailout, Citing National Security
President Trump on Friday ordered Energy Secretary Rick Perry to take immediate action to prevent the loss of coal and nuclear plants, saying the economic and environmental challenges forcing their retirements threaten national security.
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Overheard at NECPUC 71st Annual Symposium
Electric vehicles and the tension between state and federal jurisdiction were among the topics discussed at the NECPUC 71st annual symposium.
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Advocates Push PJM Board for Explanations at Annual Meeting
Consumer, small-business and environmental advocates pressed the PJM Board of Managers on the issue of transparency at their annual meeting.

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