July 4, 2024

grid resilience

Building Resilience: From Pilots to Policy
Grid resilience is an increasing concern for regulators, but their efforts have been reactive, resulting in pilot projects but no consistent policies.
Calif. PUC Orders $200M Microgrid Incentive Program
The California PUC ordered utilities to hasten the creation of microgrids, including establishing a $200 million incentive program for high risk communities
FERC, DOE, Interior Seen as Keys to Biden Climate Plan
FERC, DOE and the Interior Department will be central to advancing President-elect Joe Biden’s climate goals, speakers told ACORE's Grid Forum.
DOE Study Finds No Need for Tx Corridors
DOE’s latest assessment of transmission congestion has concluded there is no need to designate national-interest transmission corridors.
NECA Panel Ponders Forward Clean Energy Market
New England stakeholders considered if a forward clean energy market would help state meet their clean energy goals within ISO-NE’s markets.
ReliabilityFirst Talks Operational Resilience
ReliabilityFirst’s monthly Technical Talk with RF focused on operational resilience, comparing it to traditional risk management.
FERC Report Touts High-voltage Benefits
Development of new high-voltage transmission lines could provide benefits for the U.S. electricity system, FERC said in a recent report.
California Looks to EVs for Grid Resilience
The California Energy Commission held a discussion on how electric vehicles could serve as energy storage resources during emergencies.
NYISO Focus Turns to Grid ‘Transition’
NYISO plans to devote one day a month for stakeholders to discuss reliability and market issues related to integrating clean energy resources.
Counterflow: Oy Vey
Despite running more than 1,000,000 more scenarios, PJM has not found a problem with fuel security, argues columnist Steve Huntoon.

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