March 8, 2025

Great Plains Institute (GPI)

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SPP ‘All Over’ Addressing Resource Adequacy
The Resource and Energy Adequacy Leadership (REAL) Team, a cross-section group of regulators, directors and stakeholders, is the answer to SPP's No. 1 strategic priority: resource adequacy.
DOE Announces $3.46B for Grid Resilience, Improvement Projects
DOE announced $3.46 billion in funding for grid resilience and improvement projects, including the MISO-SPP joint targeted interconnection queue portfolio.
JTIQ Portfolio Cost Estimate Nearly Doubles to $1.9B
The cost estimate for MISO’s and SPP’s package of 345-kV lines meant to facilitate the interconnection of generation at the seams has nearly doubled, the RTOs have said in the past week.
Exelon CEO: Energy Transition ‘Requires Investments,’ Rate Increases
Exelon's CEO spent part of Wednesday’s first-quarter earnings call talking about how the company will help meet states' decarbonization targets.
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MISO Releases JTIQ Portfolio Cost-allocation Details
MISO released details about how it will administer cost allocation on the $1 billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue portfolio of 345 kV projects.
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SPP Briefs: Week of March 26, 2023
FERC OK'd Public Service Company of Colorado's request to participate in SPP’s Western Energy Imbalance Service market while ordering a market analysis.
State of Illinois
Illinois Commerce Commission Chair Announces Resignation
ICC Chair Carrie Zalewski announced her resignation days before the opening of the trial of a Commonwealth Edison corruption case implicating her father-in-law.
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MISO, SPP Update Stakeholders on Joint Tx Planning
MISO and SPP said they plan to treat Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue projects as large generator interconnection projects when allocating costs.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
FERC OKs MISO Hybrid Resource Accreditation Plan
FERC on Tuesday approved MISO’s two-part plan to get hybrid resources accredited for participation in the RTO’s capacity auctions.
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Overheard at the Great Plains Institute SPP Workshop
The Great Plains Institute convened state officials and other stakeholders from across the Midwest for a one-day workshop exploring trends in SPP.

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