generation interconnection queue
FERC rejected MISO’s proposal to impose more stringent requirements for interconnection customers, but could be persuaded to accept with certain revisions.
MISO confirmed it will work with stakeholders to develop a fast-track option to accelerate the process for projects ready for development.
MISO will spend much of 2019 working on how it can prevent the increasingly frequent emergency conditions it experienced in 2018.
MISO will file a proposal to revise its interconnection queue process by implementing stringent site control requirements and increasing milestone payments.
A MISO workshop on energy storage as transmission made clear how much the technology is blurring the once clear lines between generation and transmission.
FERC rejected rehearing requests from wind developers who say MISO is moving too slowly for them to meet the PTC deadline.
MISO’s Planning Advisory Committee will vote through Oct. 26 on whether to move most of the RTO’s $3.3 billion 2018 Transmission Expansion Plan forward.
SPP members approved one of two Generator Interconnection Improvement Task Force recommendations but took no action on the second.
MISO is considering requiring inverter-based generation seeking to enter the interconnection queue to provide a specific set of calculations.
FERC rejected a proposed MISO maintenance fee, but it approved a new process for interconnecting external merchant HVDC transmission.
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