July 7, 2024

generation interconnection queue

FERC Blocks MISO Plan to Shorten Queue Negotiations
FERC has rejected a MISO plan to shorten the number of days allowed to customers negotiating a generator interconnection agreement.
MISO Still Working Through New Queue Implementation Plan
MISO officials presented three proposals related to the implementation of the RTO’s new generator interconnection queue for stakeholder feedback.
CAISO Launches Generator Interconnection Effort
CAISO said it will kick off an initiative to refine its generation interconnection process later this year as part of an effort to accommodate renewables.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Aug. 9, 2017
NYISO’s Business Issues Committee approved steps intended to improve the efficiency of the interconnection queue process while maintaining needed reliability evaluations.
MISO Adopts New Dispatch Model for Queue Studies
MISO will begin using its Transmission Expansion Plan dispatch modeling in interconnection queue studies beginning Aug. 1.
MISO, Stakeholders Differ on New Queue Plan
Stakeholders are at odds with MISO over some aspects of its interconnection queue rules during a time when the queue is beset by “unprecedented” backlogs.
FERC Staff OK MISO Interconnection Queue Refund Plan
FERC staff approved MISO’s proposal to allow generators to withdraw from its interconnection queue without penalty if they undergo a three-stage evaluation process.
MISO PAC Briefs: June 14, 2017
MISO plans by the end of the year to introduce Tariff changes eliminating resource suspensions in favor of a single retirement process.
MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee Briefs
Load forecast data for the MISO 2017/18 PRA shows that all local resource zones have enough capacity to meet their clearing requirements.
Stakeholders, MISO at Odds over Resource Adequacy Survey
MISO is looking to improve its annual resource adequacy survey by expanding the scope of potential projects included.

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