generation interconnection queue
FERC approved the MISO proposal to shorten the window of time it allows for altering estimated capacity volumes for projects in the interconnection queue.
FERC rejected EDF’s request that MISO devise a special fast-track option in its interconnection queue for projects that can demonstrate readiness.
FERC on Monday approved MISO Tariff revisions allowing the RTO to gather more information about proposed energy resources before they enter the interconnection queue.
FERC accepted several small revisions to the new MISO interconnection queue design but also told the RTO it must keep working to reduce restudies.
Some energy resource developers in California say CAISO needs to change its interconnection rules to prevent financially unviable projects from lingering in the queue and affecting more sound projects.
MISO’s Steering Committee agreed to forward EDF Renewable Energy’s grievance about the length of the interconnection queue to the Planning Advisory Committee.
MISO introduced a new feedback form for stakeholder opinions on issues discussed during Interconnection Process Task Force (IPTF) meetings.
MISO’s 2018 to-do list includes continuing efforts to expand energy storage participation and extensive software upgrades.
MISO will submit two filings with FERC to further refine its new generation interconnection process, while a third will facilitate HVDC interconnection.
EDF Renewable Energy is urging MISO stakeholders to revisit MISO's recently reformed interconnection queue process.
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