July 3, 2024

generation interconnection queue

Center on Global Energy Policy
Study: PJM Queue Wait Times Contributing to Longer Construction Periods
Lengthy wait times in PJM’s generator interconnection queue are interacting with siting and permitting timelines, supply chain disruptions and inflation to contribute to increasingly long construction periods, according to a study released by Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy.
NextEra Energy Resources
FERC Sticks with MISO on Queue Penalties over Clean Energy Groups’ Rehearing Attempt
Clean energy groups were unsuccessful with FERC in their challenge of automatic withdrawal penalties in MISO’s interconnection queue.
RMI Report: GETs Could Speed Renewable Development, Save Consumers Billions
An RMI study about grid-enhancing technologies on the PJM grid found they could save consumers hundreds of millions of dollars a year and speed renewable development.
© RTO Insider LLC
PJM Tackled Market Changes and Transmission Expansion in 2023
PJM and stakeholders spent much of 2023 debating how to position the RTO's markets to be prepared for future severe weather and maintain the balance between retiring fossil generation and renewable development.
DTE Energy
MISO Aims for Manageable Interconnection Queue
MISO proposes megawatt limits on annual project proposals, tripled entry fees and escalating penalty charges in its quest to oust speculative projects and lighten its gridlocked interconnection queue.
U.S. Forest Service
PJM OC Briefs: July 13, 2023
The PJM Operating Committee discussed the roadmap for a slate of manual revisions related to its interconnection queue overhaul, with the next step being endorsement at the MRC.
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Overheard at the 9th GCPA MISO-SPP Conference
Panelists at the GCPA conference linked long queue waits, major transmission expansion, reliability worries and the inexorable takeover of renewable energy.
Illinois Clean Jobs
Illinois Leaders Blast MISO Inaction on Capacity Crisis
Sponsors of Illinois’ Climate and Equitable Jobs Act held a news teleconference to condemn “foot dragging” by MISO in getting new renewable energy online.
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MRO Annual Reliability Conference Spotlights Need for Generation and Transmission
MRO’s annual reliability conference emphasized the inevitability of the transition to clean energy and avoiding future supply shortfalls with more generation.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
PJM Stakeholders Endorse New Interconnection Process
PJM stakeholders overwhelmingly endorsed the RTO’s proposal for a new interconnection queue process after several hours of debate.

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