July 5, 2024

Forward Capacity Market (FCM)

Study: New Resources Could ‘Crowd Out’ Old in ISO-NE
A substantial increase in new clean resources would lower Forward Capacity Auction prices, “crowding out” many existing resources, according to ISO-NE.
Analysts See End to New Builds in PJM Capacity Results
Analysts think the results of the PJM capacity auction yesterday will end efforts to build new generation capacity in the RTO’s territory.
IMAPP Pondering 4 Options for Incorporating Clean Energy in NE
Stakeholders are considering 4 of 17 proposals from last year's IMAPP initiative to better incorporate clean energy into ISO-NE's markets.
Monitor: NYISO Needs Locational Focus, Flexibility — not Forward Capacity Market
A forward capacity market may have worked for PJM and ISO-NE, but it isn’t the solution for NYISO, the Market Monitor told IPPNY’s fall conference.
FERC Approves Changes to ISO-NE Retirement Rules
FERC accepted rule changes meant to prevent generation owners in ISO-NE from exercising market power by retiring resources that are still economic.
FERC Affirms ISO-NE’s MOPR Exemption for Renewables
FERC has again upheld ISO-NE’s limited exemption for renewables from the RTO’s minimum offer price rule.
ISO-NE Again Defends Capacity Auctions
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie last week again defended the RTO’s capacity auctions to congressmen who say market practices have led to inflated electricity rates for New England ratepayers.
Stakeholders React to MISO Proposed Auction Design
A MISO auction proposal to hold a separate forward capacity procurement auction for deregulated areas is meeting with skepticism from some RTO members.

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