July 3, 2024

FERC Order 2222

Has Dynamic Pricing’s Time Come?
Price-responsive demand has long been supported by economists, but despite the significant investment in advanced meters, it has yet to take off.
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DER Experts Give MISO Aggregation Pointers
With MISO still years away from allowing DER aggregators to fully participate in its markets, the RTO hosted experts to discuss best practices and data sharing.
DERs in Wholesale Markets Still Years Away
DERs are still a couple years away from actually participating at the wholesale level as FERC works on RTO and ISO compliance with Order 2222.
FERC Gives ISO-NE Homework on Order 2222
ISO-NE has more work to do to comply with Order 2222, FERC said, faulting its metering and participation rules for DER aggregations.
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Stakeholders Weigh in on RTOs’ Responses to Changing System Needs
RTO stakeholders presented FERC with a cornucopia of suggestions for dealing with electrification and the increasing penetration of renewables.
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NYISO Outlines Timelines for 2023 Projects
NYISO presented its anticipated schedules for its Installed Capacity market, energy market and new resource integration projects for this year.
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NECA Panelists Talk Capacity Market, DERs
A panel of energy experts took ISO-NE’s capacity market to task, lambasting the region’s Forward Capacity Market and offering ideas about how to improve it.
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NYISO Justifies Unpopular 10-kW DER Aggregation Min. Requirement
NYISO defended its proposal to set a 10-kW minimum for DER participation in an aggregation, citing out-of-date software and staff's capacity.
ISO-NE: FERC Delay Sets Back DER Capacity Market Participation
FERC’s delayed response to ISO-NE means that distributed energy resources won’t have a new way to participate in the grid operator’s next capacity auction.
FERC Gives NYISO Until 2026 to Complete Order 2222 Compliance
FERC approved NYISO’s request for up to 3 more years to implement tariff revisions that will allow DERs in aggregations to provide all their ancillary services.

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