FERC Order 1000
A summary of issues discussed and measures approved by the PJM Planning Committee and Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee on June 9, 2016.
NYISO has identified 10 proposed transmission projects as finalists to relieve congestion in western New York.
Stakeholders ask FERC to revisit its ruling approving solution-based DFAX cost allocation for the Artificial Island and Bergen-Linden Corridor projects.
SPP awarded its first competitively bid transmission project under Order 1000 -- but it may not be built because of declining load forecasts.
A summary of issues discussed by the MISO Planning Advisory Committee on April 20, 2016.
PSE&G sent a letter to the PJM board, defending the cost estimate for its share of the Artificial Island project.
NYISO CEO Brad Jones returned to Texas for a discussion with the CEOs of SPP, MISO and his former employer, ERCOT, at the annual GCPA meeting.
PJM planners are rethinking a piece of the Artificial Island project, a move that could possibly require the RTO to solicit new bids.
A summary of issues discussed by the PJM Planning Committee (PC) and Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC) on April 7, 2016.
A federal appeals court upheld FERC Order 1000's right-of-first-refusal provisions, rejecting challenges from transmission owners and developers.
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