FERC Order 1000
FERC will seek comments on how it could improve its transmission incentives and return on equity policies under two Notices of Inquiry.
PJM’s stability deviation method best suits cost allocation for Artificial Island, FERC said, denying rehearing requests favoring the status quo.
CAISO is exploring ways to exchange more low-carbon electricity with the Pacific Northwest, while WestConnect looks to absorb exports from California during overgeneration.
Policymakers and industry officials gathered for NARUC Winter Policy Summit, where they discussed coal and nuclear power, among other topics.
The Department of Energy convened to gather information for the department’s 2019 electric transmission congestion study.
The Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum featured a debate over FERC Order 1000 and a discussion of return on equity incentive adders.
SPP’s Market and Operations Policy Committee unanimously approved staff recommendations to revise the SPP-MISO Coordinated System Plan.
Transmission planning in the Eastern Interconnection is well-coordinated among its planning authorities, according to EIPC.
Landowner groups opposed to Transource's Independence Energy Connection are directing their activism at PJM.
FERC rejected PJM’s proposal to exempt incumbent transmission owners from signing designated entity agreements (DEAs).
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