July 23, 2024

FERC Order 1000

NEPOOL RC/TC Briefs: July 16-17, 2019
The NEPOOL Reliability and Transmission Committees jointly met to discuss a multitude of governing document changes and transmission upgrades.
ISO-NE Refines Competitive Tx RFP Template
ISO-NE presented a new draft of the competitive transmission request for proposals template for stakeholder review at the Planning Advisory Committee.
SPS, Entergy File to Pull ROFR Appeal
Entergy, SPS and TIEC have asked to dismiss their appeal of a PUC of Texas order negating an incumbent utility’s right-of-first-refusal.
Uncertainty Deepens for Hartburg-Sabine Project
MISO acknowledged the future of a NextEra transmission project is uncertain after the passage of a Texas law giving incumbent utilities a ROFR in the state.
Study Findings Clash on Value of Competitive Tx
A pair of studies have drawn divergent conclusions about the merits of competitive transmission solicitations. The differences may have to do with sponsors.
Complaint Seeks Bigger Role for Smaller MISO Projects
LS Power asked FERC to compel MISO to lower the threshold for competitively bid market efficiency projects from 345 kV to 100 kV.
UPDATE: Texas ROFR Legislation Pits Incumbents, Transcos
Fast-moving Texas legislation that would give incumbent utilities the right of first refusal to build transmission projects is on the brink of passage.
FERC Opens Inquiries into Tx Incentives, ROE Policies
FERC will seek comments on how it could improve its transmission incentives and return on equity policies under two Notices of Inquiry.
FERC: Stability Deviation Method Best for Artificial Island
PJM’s stability deviation method best suits cost allocation for Artificial Island, FERC said, denying rehearing requests favoring the status quo.
CAISO Seeks More Transfers with Pacific Northwest
CAISO is exploring ways to exchange more low-carbon electricity with the Pacific Northwest, while WestConnect looks to absorb exports from California during overgeneration.

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