July 30, 2024

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

NY Transco
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: June 22, 2022
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved a shortage pricing proposal for multiple active transmission constraints.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Investigating ISO-NE over Gas Plant’s Alleged Capacity Market Fraud
FERC is investigating ISO-NE’s role in alleged fraud by a project developer taking part in the RTO’s capacity market, the grid operator disclosed.
© RTO Insider LLC
Ex-FERC Commissioners Opine on Transmission, Markets
Ex-FERC Commissioners Norman Bay and Colette Honorable told war stories and commented on recent commission rulemakings at a forum on energy storage policy.
Jim Richmond, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Court Strikes a Blow to ISO-NE Winter Plan
An appellate court ruled that ISO New England’s Inventoried Energy Program would unfairly incent some resources for storing energy in a way they already do. 
FERC Partially Accepts NYISO Order 2222 Compliance
FERC accepted NYISO's Order 2222 compliance filing but directed the ISO to file revisions related to small utility opt-in requirements and other provisions.
Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory
Counterflow: Stuff That Ain’t So
FERC's NOPR on transmission planning and cost allocation is based on false premises and undermines the agency's credibility, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
Renova Energy
CAISO Order 2222 Filing Needs Some Work, FERC Says
FERC accepted CAISO's Order 2222 compliance filing but told it to submit revisions to its participation model for distributed energy resource aggregations.
FERC to Take 2nd Look at 2015 MISO Capacity Auction
FERC said it will take another look into whether Dynegy manipulated pricing in MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction and violated federal laws.
foam, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Changes to CIP-014 Receive FERC Approval
FERC approved NERC's removal of language from CIP-014 requiring compliance evidence to be stored on site.
© RTO Insider LLC
Glick Denies Taking Directions from Biden Admin
FERC Chairman Richard Glick categorically denied taking directives or feedback from Biden administration officials on commission actions.

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