July 29, 2024

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

FERC Rejects PJM’s Reserve Deployment Proposal
FERC rejected PJM’s plan to change its handling of synchronized reserve events, saying it would likely result in higher prices and over-procurement.
Power Engineers
DC Circuit Faults FERC on Cost Allocation of New Jersey Transmission Projects
The D.C. Circuit rejected PJM’s “de minimis” exemption under its DFAX cost allocation and ordered FERC to explain its OK of DFAX's use in two N.J. projects.
ACORE Panel Lauds MISO Tx Benefits Process
A panel convened by the American Council on Renewable Energy largely agreed that MISO’s transmission benefits process could be a blueprint for the country.
NAESB Confirms Gas-electric Forum in the Works
The North American Energy Standards Board confirmed it will launch a forum aimed at addressing concerns raised after the winter storm of February 2021.
Lindsey Systems
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Aug. 11, 2022
PJM's Operating Committee heard proposals on improving the dispatch of renewables, changes to max emergency status and a new cold weather advisory.
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DC Circuit Sends FERC Back to Drawing Board on MISO ROE
The battle over MISO transmission owners’ return on equity continued with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals vacating FERC’s order setting the rate at 10.02%.
Kentucky PSC
DC Circuit Backs Kentucky Munis on Transmission Rate ‘Pancaking’
FERC failed to consider the impact of potential rate increases when it allowed LG&E/KU to partially exit market power mitigation, the D.C. Circuit ruled.
FERC Orders ‘Paper’ Hearing on PJM FTR Collateral Dispute
FERC wants more information to determine whether it should require a 99% confidence level in setting collateral for FTR traders or the 97% level PJM sought.
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Share Winter Data, States Urge ISO-NE
NESCOE urged ISO-NE to share confidential data about fuel supply and grid reliability with FERC ahead of the upcoming winter.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC, NERC Call for NAESB Forum on Gas-electric Issues
Leaders of the North American Energy Standards Board said Monday they are working on a response to FERC and NERC's call for a forum on natural gas reliability.

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