July 24, 2024

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

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FERC Picks ‘Balance Sheet Approach’ Exit Fee for Tri-State Members
FERC issued an order ending a couple years of litigation over what Tri-State can charge its exiting members, picking a "Balance Sheet Approach" initially proposed by departing member United Power and then modified by commission staff.
FERC Urges SPP Stakeholder Process on Tx Cost Allocation Change
FERC commissioners urged SPP to conduct a stakeholder process to vet a proposal to socialize “byway” transmission on a case-by-case basis.
FERC Reconsidering Blanket Authorizations for Investment Companies
FERC opened an inquiry into whether it should continue to grant blanket authorizations for holding companies to purchase public electric utility securities.
FERC Rejects SPP WEIS Market Power Rule

FERC rejected SPP’s proposed market power test for the Western Energy Imbalance Service, saying it gave the Market Monitor too much discretion.

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FERC Approves Settlement Reducing PJM Penalties for Elliott Underperformance
FERC approved a settlement between PJM and 81 parties to reduce the $1.8 billion in penalties assessed against generators that underperformed during Winter Storm Elliott.
FERC Accepts SPP Compliance Filing on Order 881
FERC found SPP mostly in compliance with the directives of Order 881.
Christie Blasts FERC Transmission Incentives in PATH, Brandon Shores Orders

FERC Commissioner Mark Christie used orders on two transmission projects to blast the commission’s “ridiculously generous” incentives.

David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Black Start Report Pushes Gas-electric Coordination
A report by FERC, NERC and Texas RE focused on the risk of natural gas disruptions to utilities' black-start restoration plans.
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DOE Issues Final Guidelines for National Transmission Corridors
The Department of Energy released its final guidelines for the designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors, which are narrowly defined areas where transmission is urgently needed to ensure reliability and affordability and advance “important national interests.”
Secretary Bose and Commissioner Danly Honored at Their Final FERC Meeting
FERC’s December meeting was the last open meeting for both its longtime Secretary Kimberly Bose and Commissioner James Danly, both of whom were honored for their service.

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