Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
FERC sent CAISO’s first systemwide RMR agreement to settlement proceedings after the ISO raised questions about the contract's fairness.
ISO-NE officials briefed the NEPOOL Participants Committee on nominations to the RTO’s Board of Directors and operations during last winter.
MISO has developed a rough idea of how it might manage dynamic transmission line ratings should FERC begin to require them.
FERC approved changes to ISO-NE’s tariff eliminating capacity performance payments for energy efficiency resources.
NYISO officials briefed the Management Committee on the ISO's performance during an historic snowstorm in December last year.
FERC accepted NYISO’s co-located storage model to pair batteries with wind or solar at a shared point of injection.
Sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market told FERC it should OK the proposal as is, saying critics’ objections are flawed or irrelevant.
Commissioner says FERC hasn't done enough to help the public understand how to intervene in energy infrastructure project proceedings.
NEPOOL's Participants Committee acted on modified proposals for ORTPs used for Forward Capacity Market parameters in the 2025/26 capacity commitment period.
MISO staff and stakeholders clashed in front of board members on whether the RTO’s proposed capacity accreditation design should move forward.
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