Supporters and critics of the takeover of Pepco by Exelon are churning out newspaper opinion pieces, resolutions and public relations campaigns as the last holdouts to the deal approach deadlines to render decisions.
Opponents of a financial lifeline for the R.E. Ginna nuclear plant say New York regulators should allow them more time to prepare their challenges.
PJM and utility officials said yesterday they are still investigating what caused the failure of a 230-kV transmission line that briefly cut power to the White House and much of the D.C. area Tuesday afternoon.
Exelon CEO Christopher Crane provided insight into the struggles of the firm’s nuclear power plants during two days of testimony before the D.C. PSC on the acquisition of Pepco.
Exelon CEO Christopher Crane testified on the company's proposed takeover of Pepco to the D.C. PSC, while the company still faces opposition in Maryland.
This week's company briefs include AEP, Xcel, Dominion, Direct Energy, PECO, Exelon, NRG and General Electric.
The Supreme Court’s ideological divide was on display Wednesday as justices sparred with attorneys over whether the EPA should have considered costs before deciding whether to regulate mercury and other pollutants from power plants.
New York regulators last week delayed action on a financial lifeline for the R.E. Ginna nuclear plant in order to review its impact on ratepayers.
Two key Maryland counties have agreed to support the controversial takeover of Pepco by Exelon in return for promises of bill credits, reliability improvements and other concessions.
News briefs on companies doing business with RTOs. This week we include FirstEnergy, NRG, PPL, Exelon and the TVA.
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