January 6, 2025


UPDATED: Exelon, Pepco Urge Compromise Deal to Win DC PSC OK for Merger
Exelon offered a split D.C. Public Service Commission (DC PSC) a “middle ground proposal” in a bid to salvage its acquisition of Pepco Holdings Inc.
PJM-Type Capacity Auction for MISO Zone 4 Proposed
Dynegy and Exelon proposed that MISO Zone 4 procure capacity in three-year forward auctions separate from the rest of the RTO.
Exelon Appeals ISO-NE Zero-Price Offer Requirement
Exelon has asked the D.C. Circuit to overturn two FERC orders that reaffirmed the zero-price offer requirement in ISO-NE. 
NYPSC OKs Ginna Deal
New York regulators OK'd a contract to keep the struggling R.E. Ginna nuclear power plant operating through March 2017.
Exelon Reiterates March 4 Deadline on PHI Deal
Exelon's primary goal for 2016 is completing the acquisition of Pepco, but the company has contingency plans (an Exelon-PHI merger).
Entergy: Clean Energy Standard Won’t Save FitzPatrick
New York’s proposed incentives for three of the state’s four nuclear sites won't save the James A. FitzPatrick plant, Entergy said.
Next up in Ohio PPA Battle: Dynegy Weighs in
Dynegy has entered the Ohio power purchase agreement fray, floating an offer to PUCO that it said would save consumers in the state $5 billion.
Exelon Calls FirstEnergy PPA ‘Grossly Lopsided,’ Says it Can Offer a Better Deal
Exelon has joined the opposition to FirstEnergy's attempts to win guaranteed payments for its Ohio power plants.
Md. Judge Upholds PSC’s OK of Exelon-Pepco Merger
A Maryland judge upheld state regulators' approval of Exelon’s acquisition of Pepco, denying an appeal led by the Office of People’s Counsel.
FERC Again Rejects Challenge to ISO-NE New Entry Pricing
FERC reaffirmed ISO-NE's new entrant pricing rule, again rejecting complaints that it suppresses capacity prices and discriminates against existing resources.

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