July 4, 2024

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

New York Preps Statewide GHG Emissions Report
New York officials held the first of three public hearings as they prepare the first annual report of statewide GHG emissions required by the CLCPA.
Battle Lines Drawn over CLEAN Future Act
A hearing on the CLEAN Future Act provided a view of the wide gap in policy objectives between Democrats and Republicans.
ACORE Panelists Discuss Regulatory Role in Biden Agenda
Former FERC Chair Norman Bay joined a panel at ACORE's Policy Forum to discuss the opportunities for regulators to advance President Biden’s energy policies.
Congress Looks to Former EPA Admins for Guidance
The House heard testimony from former EPA Administrators Christine Todd Whitman and Carol Browner shortly before the Senate confirmed Michael Regan.
Conn. Officials Push Back on ‘Gas Tax’ Label of TCI-P
Connecticut officials and gasoline trade associations squared off over the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program during a public hearing.
EPA Nominee Regan Receives Bipartisan Support
North Carolina Environmental Secretary Michael Regan, President Biden’s nominee for EPA administrator, appears well on his way to confirmation.
Biden Begins Undoing Trump’s Legacy
President Biden immediately began to reverse the Trump administration’s energy and environmental policies, including rejoining the Paris Agreement.
DC Circuit Rejects Trump ACE Rule
The D.C. Circuit rejected the Trump administration’s ACE Rule for regulating GHG emissions, saying EPA misconstrued the law.
State AGs Highlight Action Against Trump Admin
A new report recounts actions state attorneys general took to mitigate the Trump administration’s weakening of regulations on energy and climate.
Biden Urged to Avoid Obama’s Climate Mistakes
President-elect Joe Biden should avoid the mistakes President Barack Obama made in attempting to reduce emissions, environmental law experts said.

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