July 22, 2024

energy emergency alert (EEA)

WECC Heat Wave Analysis Evokes Calls for Caution, not Celebration
WECC directors said that Westerners should take cold comfort from the fact that grid operators were able to avert blackouts during a September heat wave.
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WECC Forum Elicits Hopes, Fears About Future of Electric Sector
At its first in-person gathering since the onset the pandemic, WECC convened a forum to learn what keeps members up at night when they think of the future.
California Runs on Fumes but Avoids Blackouts
CAISO came dangerously close to ordering rotating outages Tuesdas demand hit a record high, but it managed to scrape by thanks to conservation efforts.
National Weather Service
CAISO Warns of Outages amid Record Heat
CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer warned that this week poses the greatest risk of rolling outages this summer as record heat engulfs large parts of California.
California Governor's Office
Newsom Declares Emergency as Heat Stresses Calif. Grid
Gov. Gavin Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency to increase energy production and reduce demand in response to a heat wave hitting California.
SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs: July 26, 2022
SPP’s Board of Directors approved stakeholders’ recommendation to issue a notification to construct a 345-kV double-circuit transmission project in New Mexico.
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ERCOT Flirts with Capacity Shortage
ERCOT flirted with potential disaster July 11 after saying it was short on capacity, but system demand was reduced enough to keep the lights on.
AEP Ohio
PJM Orders Load Sheds in AEP Following Storms
More than 200,000 AEP customers in Ohio lost power after storms damaged multiple transmission lines and forced load sheds on at least three 138-kV lines.
WECC Taking ‘Greenfield’ Approach to SOTI Improvements
WECC staff said that they are committed to improving their approach to their annual State of the Interconnection Report.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Oct. 22, 2021
Texas regulators reacted to another potential conservation call by ERCOT by assuring residents the grid operator is using other tools in its toolbox.

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