Elliot Mainzer
ISO/RTO leaders explained the issues facing their markets and took some questions from members, with subjects like FERC's independence and the recent capacity price spikes in PJM coming up.
CAISO, California and other parts of the West head into 2025 with a heavy load of priorities: implementing EDAM, developing the infrastructure needed to meet ambitious climate goals, and moving forward with new and continuing initiatives to address some of the ISO’s biggest challenges.
CAISO’s launch of the Extended Day-Ahead Market will not spell the end of a Western real-time-only offering from the ISO, according to CEO Elliot Mainzer.
The New Mexico utility announced its intention to join CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market, extending EDAM’s reach farther into the Desert Southwest in its latest victory over SPP’s Markets+.
The Inflation Reduction Act and other policies have made the U.S. into one of the most attractive places to invest in clean energy, but completing the energy transition will require additional advances, according to panelists at the Aurora Energy Transition Forum.
California energy agency heads appeared before state lawmakers to pitch the proposed CAISO governance changes being developed by the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative.
CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer, ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas and MISO's Todd Hillman joined a USEA webinar to discuss grid reliability amid increases in extreme weather and load growth.
Portland General Electric became the second entity in the Western U.S. after PacifiCorp to sign an implementation agreement for the Extended Day-Ahead Market.
The CAISO board unanimously approved the ISO’s Interconnection Process Enhancements proposal, the product of more than a year of stakeholder engagement and troubleshooting.
CAISO scored simultaneous victories in heavily contested territory after Portland General Electric and Idaho Power both signaled their intent to join the Extended Day-Ahead Market.
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