July 3, 2024

Elliot Mainzer

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Portland General Electric Formalizes EDAM Commitment
Portland General Electric became the second entity in the Western U.S. after PacifiCorp to sign an implementation agreement for the Extended Day-Ahead Market.
CAISO Board Approves Interconnection Enhancements Proposal
The CAISO board unanimously approved the ISO’s Interconnection Process Enhancements proposal, the product of more than a year of stakeholder engagement and troubleshooting.
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CAISO’s EDAM Scores Key Wins in Contested Northwest
CAISO scored simultaneous victories in heavily contested territory after Portland General Electric and Idaho Power both signaled their intent to join the Extended Day-Ahead Market.
CAISO CEO Emphasizes Power of Partnership in West
In an interview, CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer touted the importance of interregional coordination — and a single Western market — to meet state policy and reliability goals.
WEIM Ends 2023 Exceeding $5B in Benefits
CAISO’s WEIM last year hit $5.05 billion in benefits for its members since its inception in 2014, continuing the positive trend of growth tied to an expanding Western footprint.
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CAISO Wins (Nearly) Sweeping FERC Approval for EDAM
CAISO marked a key milestone in its Western expansion efforts after FERC approved nearly every aspect of its proposed Extended Day-Ahead Market.
‘Challenging’ Grid Conditions Led to CAISO’s Summer Emergency Alerts

CAISO’s issuance of energy emergency watches and alerts in July came under conditions that mirrored those during California’s September 2022 heatwave.

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Forum Turnout, Tone Could Signal Growing Support for EDAM
The stars may not yet have aligned for CAISO in the contest to bring an organized electricity market to the West, but key industry players appeared to be doing just that at an ISO event to celebrate the progress of its Extended Day-Ahead Market.
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BANC Moving to Join CAISO’s EDAM
CAISO scored a potentially important victory when the Balancing Authority of Northern California said it will pursue membership in the ISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market — and not SPP’s Markets+.
Ramping Shortfall Sparks CAISO’s 1st Summer Emergency
CAISO issued its first energy emergency alert of the summer after falling short on ramping capacity as solar output rolled off its system.  

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