July 26, 2024

Electric vehicles (EVs)

Virginia Passes EV Rebates Without Funding
Lawmakers in Virginia have passed a bill offering consumers a sizable rebate for buying electric vehicles — but without the necessary funding.
California Energy Commission OKs $50M for Truck Charging
The California Energy Commission earmarked up to $50 million in incentives for zero-emission truck charging infrastructure.
Wash. Bill Would Chart Course for EV Buildout
A Washington bill would map out needed locations for charging stations as the state sees growing adoption of EVs.
Amazon Backs Washington’s Low-carbon Fuel Bill
Amazon threw its support behind a Washington state bill to trim carbon emissions from motor vehicle fuels sold in the state.
Rural Virginia School Districts Skeptical of Electric Buses
New legislation offers Virginia schools a chance to replace polluting diesel buses with electric ones, but battery issues are a roadblock.
Strong Bipartisan Support for Wash. FCEV Bill
Washington’s first hydrogen production facility is to be built this year, and a bill to create tax exemptions for FCEVs is sailing through the legislature.
EV Market Gaining Momentum in North Carolina
Electric vehicle sales in North Carolina grew by 5% in 2020 while nationwide sales dropped 3% during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Utility Group Wants to Cover Southeast’s Highways with DC Fast Chargers
Six utilities in the Southeast, including AEP, Duke and TVA, have banded together with a plan to create “a seamless network” of fast-charging EV stations.
Pa. Seeking to Boost EV Sales
Pennsylvania is making a push to promote the purchase and driving of electric vehicles through new regulations, grants and promotional programs.
Mass. EV Subsidy ‘Isn’t Enough,’ Energy Office Says
Mass. will have to consider what low- and moderate-income households can afford in the electric vehicle transition if it plans to meet its 2035 EV targets.

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