July 24, 2024

Electric vehicles (EVs)

Pitching Proposals for the Budget Reconciliation Bill
Congress may be on summer break, but clean energy advocates are busy with recommendations for the budget reconciliation bill.
NJ Backs EV Incentive Program for Local Government
Citing UN's dire warnings on climate change, BPU President Fiordaliso says, program aims to help local governments set the right example and direction.
EV Growth Prompts Need for Managed Charging
Managed-charging strategies emerge as incentives intended to encourage EV owners to charge during off-peak hours create late-night surges in power use.
Southern California Edison
CARB Plan Aims to Broaden Access to ZEVs
A California Air Resources Board proposal would give car manufacturers a new way to earn ZEV credits under the state’s Advanced Clean Cars program.
Run On Less, Penske
US Way Behind China in Deploying Heavy-duty EVs
While the U.S. debates funding battery electric buses and trucks, they are already running commercially in cities around the globe, particularly in China.
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Port of NY-NJ Unveils Fleet of 10 EV Trucks
The Port of New York and New Jersey unveiled a fleet of 10 electric yard tractors, a first step in efforts to cut the port's carbon dioxide emissions.
U.S. Forest Service/Lassen Natio
Too Late to Stop Climate Change, UN Report Says
A new report from the U.N. came to a stark conclusion: Climate change is irreversible, and unprecedented international cooperation is needed to mitigate it.
Lithium Americas
Nevada Poised for Lithium Mining Growth
As demand grows for lithium, which is a key component in electric vehicle batteries, interest in mining the resource in Nevada is surging.
The White House
Biden Executive Order Sets 50% EV Goal by 2030
President Biden set a target of 50% of cars sold in 2030 be electric or hybrid electric and announced EPA would seek to increase fuel efficiency standards.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Offers Funding for Grid, EVs
The Senate began debating a bipartisan infrastructure bill that would fund grid improvements, alternative vehicle fueling and supports for nuclear plants.

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