Duke Energy Progress (DEP)
FERC approved Duke Energy's Order 2023 compliance filing, which leaves in place the utility's two-phase cluster study process designed to give interconnection customers more information on costs earlier in the process.
FERC rejected challenges to its new generator interconnection rules under Order 2023, while making minor modifications and extending the compliance date.
FERC rejected a proposal Duke Energy filed to update its transmission planning process in the Carolinas due to a cost threshold in the proposal, saying other aspects of the filing seemed just and reasonable.
Duke Energy Progress and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency filed a settlement with FERC regarding the latter using batteries to shave its peak demand.
North Carolina regulators approved two on-bill-financed residential energy efficiency programs for Duke Energy.
The North Carolina Utilities Commission approved Duke Energy Progress’ latest rate case, which includes “performance-based regulation” meant to help achieve the state’s environmental policies.
Warm weather in its service territories led to lower earnings for Duke in Q1, but CEO Lynn Good told investors that the firm should make up for it this summer.
Despite current supply chain problems, energy storage is just beginning to capture its potential, developers told the RE+ Southeast conference.
FERC conditionally approved changes to Duke's contract with municipal utilities in N.C. but ordered negotiations over how demand charges are calculated.
The D.C. Circuit said a PPA between Duke Energy and 32 municipal utility customers allows the munis to use storage to reduce their capacity charges.
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