DOE Grid Deployment Office
FERC approved a guarantee for National Grid to recoup all prudently incurred costs for the company’s portion of the Power Up New England transmission project if the project is terminated due to factors outside the company’s control.
The transmission companies behind a major project to preemptively build two offshore wind interconnection points in New England have submitted their first FERC filings for the project.
The Department of Energy slashed the list of 10 potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors it released in May to just three narrower corridors in the third phase of its designation process.
The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative received a significant financial boost when DOE awarded nearly $1 million to underwrite its efforts to establish a Western “regional organization” to oversee CAISO’s WEIM and EDAM.
The Department of Energy announced two actions to support the expansion of the transmission grid: investing up to $1.5 billion in four specific projects around the country and releasing the final National Transmission Planning Study.
The Western Transmission Expansion Coalition’s transmission planning study is getting a boost from a $1.75 million Department of Energy grant, even as the cost of the project has grown to $6.1 million.
The effort seeks to increase public participation in grid planning and provide technical assistance for planners to help them incorporate energy equity into their processes.
The DOE awarded grants to nearly 300 projects at hydroelectric facilities to enhance dam safety, strengthen grid resilience and improve the environment.
A major multiday energy storage project in central Maine intended to ease congestion is moving forward thanks to $147 million in federal funding.
Signed into law Aug. 16, 2022, the IRA is the largest federal investment in climate and clean energy action in history, and leading up to the IRA’s second anniversary, the Department of Energy and other agencies have heralded the law’s impact and benefits.
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