Demand Response (DR)
Hawaiian Electric Company is asking the PUC for $25 million for a program to encourage customers to install DER equipment in their homes.
ERCOT asked for conservation measures through Friday as summer heat and 12.2 GW of forced outages erased whatever slim reserve margin it had.
MISO hopes to have a new demand-side management tool fully operational by July for its members to manage their load-modifying resource fleets.
FERC reversed its ruling giving state regulators power to prevent demand response from participating in DER aggregations.
FERC ruled that some NYISO Demand Response programs are subject to mitigation; Commissioner Glick dissented.
Advanced meters represent more than half of the meters in service, but demand response growth has been choppy due to slow adoption of time-of-use rates.
Capacity auction prices increased sharply in most of PJM for delivery year 2021/22, with demand response and energy efficiency making gains while cleared nuclear power capacity dropped.
Consolidated Edison won FERC approval to recover its payments to distributed energy resources customers.
CAISO was forced to recalculate its 2016 demand response (DR) settlements because of missing data, the ISO told the California Energy Commission.
PJM's response to the delay of a transmission line to maintain reliability near Jamestown, Va., may lead to increased costs to ratepayers.
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