Demand Response (DR)
Two former FERC chairmen are pessimistic that MISO will be able to reign in shortages or high capacity prices anytime soon.
PJM CEO Manu Asthana said 40 GW in planned retirements and lagging construction of new generation is raising questions about long-term grid reliability.
The California Energy Commission adopted new standards for utilities to send hourly or sub-hourly price signals to "smart" appliances and EVs to manage demand.
The MIC endorsed a PJM proposal to bar critical gas infrastructure from DR programs that could jeopardize the reliability of gas-fired generators.
CAISO came dangerously close to ordering rotating outages Tuesdas demand hit a record high, but it managed to scrape by thanks to conservation efforts.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Environmental and clean energy advocates say ISO-NE needs to quickly pivot to clean energy and avoid investing more money in fossil fuel infrastructure.
CPower has agreed to a $2.5 million penalty after FERC's enforcement division found the company took capacity payments in violation of ISO-NE rules.
DR programs for residential customers and small businesses in PJM are being hampered by a lack of access to meter data, curtailment service providers say.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved a shortage pricing proposal for multiple active transmission constraints.
OhmConnect is seeking NYISO approval to begin this summer enrolling its small customer aggregations as SCRs in the ISO’s wholesale capacity market.
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