Demand Response (DR)
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor suggests demand response offer floors and attestations of expected levels of energy consumption in the wake of a steel mill’s gaming of the demand response market.
Consumer advocate representatives from all six New England states convened to discuss their role in the transition off fossil fuels.
A Wood Mackenzie and CPower report highlights the importance of demand response and distributed energy resources in ensuring grid reliability.
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas thanked Texas consumers for helping the grid operator survive tight operating conditions this summer.
Minnesota regulators discuss whether it's time to lift a 13-year ban on aggregators of retail customers bidding demand response into wholesale markets.
FERC has approved a $21 million settlement over an Arkansas steel mill’s yearslong failure to reduce load as a registered demand response resource in MISO.
PJM's Market Implementation Committee endorsed one of several packages to create new rules for generators with co-located load and rejected four proposals revising how generators providing reactive power service are compensated.
Pennsylvania regulators agreed to set guidelines for electric vehicle charging rates, with deadlines and demand charges among the key issues to be decided.
FERC approved settlements with two demand response aggregators for allegedly bidding more resources than they could provide to CAISO’s market.
A panel of energy experts took ISO-NE’s capacity market to task, lambasting the region’s Forward Capacity Market and offering ideas about how to improve it.
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