July 7, 2024


GridEx III Shows Vulnerability of Power Grid to Cyberattack
GridEx III, a drill to test the emergency response capabilities of the North American high-voltage power grid, highlighted several vulnerabilities in the face of a simulated cyberattack.
How a ‘Phantom Mouse’ and Weaponized Excel Files Brought Down Ukraine’s Grid
The story of a cyberattack on three Ukrainian electricity distribution companies was detailed in a thorough report by NERC.
Two-Day GridEx III Tests Vulnerability to Terrorist Attacks
Amid increasing concern over threats to the nation’s power grid, NERC ran GridEx III, a rigorous, two-day drill that simulated terrorist attacks.
Late Changes to House Energy Bill Leave Democrats Miffed
A key House committee approved what would be the first comprehensive energy legislation in eight years, but hopes for passage dimmed after amendments favored by the oil and gas industry and reductions in funding eroded bipartisan support.
SPP Taps Ex-FBI Agent as Security Chief
SPP appointed former FBI agent Mark Bowling as its director of compliance and security.
FERC Seeks Supply Chain Protection Against Cyber Threats
FERC issued a notice of proposed rulemaking that directs NERC to develop critical infrastructure protection rules for supply chain management.
MISO Board of Directors Briefs
A round-up of news from the MISO Board of Directors meeting on Feb. 26, 2015.
Expand Cyber Protections to Distribution System: Panel
WASHINGTON -- A panel headed by former CIA and NSA chief Michael Hayden today recommended an expansion of the electric industry’s cybersecurity efforts, saying the current efforts by FERC and NERC fail to protect the distribution system.
Senators Weigh in on Bay Nomination, PTC, Nuclear Waste
At this year's NARUC winter meeting, Senators told state regulators they had little hope of passing comprehensive cybersecurity legislation or finding a solution for the nuclear waste stalemate this year.
Grid Exercise `Like a Disaster Movie’
Last month's GridEX II security drill was a valuable test of PJM’s emergency response procedures but lacked in realism, participants said.

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