Eversource warned that customers will likely see a spike in their bills this winter compared to last year’s, as natural gas prices surge nationwide.
NERC leadership expressed impatience with the Standards Committee's decision to delay action on a new cold weather standards project.
Stakeholders in MISO’s Resource Adequacy Subcommittee are chafing at MISO’s new slimmed-down meeting schedule that calls for just 8 weeks of in-person meetings.
Electric transmission providers are pinning their hopes for long-sought changes on FERC’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
NYISO plans to bring most employees back to the headquarters building Nov. 1st and resume holding in-person stakeholder meetings on Nov. 17.
The ERO Enterprise's 2022 enforcement plan makes clear that regional entities are prepared to return to in-person audits in 2022.
SPP and stakeholders agreed on the need for better gas-electric coordination as they begin to address the causes of load shedding during February’s storm.
NERC provided a promised report on the industry's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, intended to help utilities shape their plans before the next outbreak.
Musashi1600, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
Hawaii's HART was granted an additional $7 million in legal funds to aid in a dispute over a parcel of land needed for its 20-mile light-rail project.
PJM stakeholders will vote next month on two different proposals seeking to improve the deployment of synchronized reserves during a spin event.
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