July 3, 2024

cost of new entry (CONE)

PJM-IMM Plan on FMUs Faces Generator Opposition
PJM and the IMM have reached agreement on a way to reduce the number of Frequently Mitigated Units eligible for “adders” but their proposal faces heavy opposition from generation owners.
PJM Proposes Change to CONE Schedule
PJM officials told members last week they want to accelerate the schedule of the quadrennial review of the Cost of New Entry (CONE) by two months.
MOPR Prevails Against New Jersey, Maryland
FERC was within its rights to approve PJM’s controversial capacity market MOPR rule changes in 2011, a federal appeals court ruled.
Future of MD Plant Unclear After Court Rebuff – Update
Maryland and CPV officials aren’t saying what their next move is in the wake of a federal court ruling that voided the state’s contract with developers of a 725 MW combined cycle plant in St. Charles.
Capacity Market Attracts Praise, Criticism at FERC
Six years after RPM’s inception,FERC convened a technical conference last week to ask the question: How’s the capacity market working for you?
MRC Actions
The PJM MRC approved agenda items 2, 4 and 5 unanimously Thursday, August 29, 2013. See story for issue, reason for changes, and impact.
PJM MRC Preview
Below is a summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM MRC (Markets and Reliability Committee) Thursday, August 29, 2013.
Triennial Cost of New Entry (CONE) Review
PJM MRC members heard first reading on a problem statement to review potential changes to the Cost of New Entry (CONE) triennial review process on August 1, 2013.

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